Lean Gaik Hokkien Mee

What’s up people! This time I went to Penang for my cooking demo and guess what, one of my friend recommended me this place “Lean Gaik Hokkien Mee” HOHO! Hokkien Mee??!! What is Hokkein Mee in Kuala Lumpur? Everyone knows Hokkien Mee in Kuala Lumpur. It’s black and brown-iss a bit. It has pork fats and so on and so on. I was surprised when my friend described to me about the Hokkien Mee in Penang. I thought it was just another plane black noodle but it was not. Lean Gaik is the owner and she started of with a small stall and years later her business was good and moved in to a coffee shop. You want to know what i’m talking about? Check it out!

This place is pretty old but the food is still amazing! Oh, check out the signboard! I sponsored that “Signboard”. I…SPONSORED….THAT…….”SIGNBOARD”. Why did I do it? It is because they pay me to eat 68 bowls of different types of “Hokkien Mee”. I know I was crazy. After that, I made up my mind on the SPOT and I said to the owner “Thank you for you kindness by buying me 68 bowls of different “Hokkien Mee”. In return, I would like to sponsor you a signboard with “Just Ask Richie” on it.”

Hey, guys! I was just……. kidding…… No, I did not sponsor that signboard nor the 68 bowls of different types of “Hokkien Mee”. There were no such thing. I know it was lame and I’m sorry but the fact is my name is already on that thing for a long time. I really don’t know why. smiley face!

Let’s move on….

Here’s the menu of 3 different types of “Hokkien Mee” and 9 other dishes to go with. I ordered the. . . . . ah. . . “Hokkien Mee”. Just one! Which is actually we called it “Prawn Noodle” in Kuala Lumpur.

I don’t know why this picture is so SEXY! Maybe its the prawns. . . Anyway, it looks exactly the same like we have in Kuala Lumpur. It has eggs in it, slices of chicken, prawns, fried garlic and the soup. Well, it has a sweet taste in the soup and it’s not spicy. Just nice for those who really don’t like spicy prawn noodle.

This is a closer look at the fried garlic. “Just Kidding” It’s a close shot. .

Anyway, once again thank you guys! Stay tune for more.

Do check it out when you’re in Penang;

50, Lebuh Kurau 3, Chai Leng Park.

Tel: 012 484 1680

Operation Hours: 7am till 11pm

Closes Alternate Mondays

Renovation TIME!

Hey all.

Just to inform all of you that we will be updating our website soon. This means that there will be a slight downtime in my blog. So at anytime that you’re trying to view my blog and it’s not accessible, don’t panic. We will only be out momentarily.

Cheers to all who’s been supporting me. Looking forward for more exciting posts in the very near future.

Exploring With Richie


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What’s up everybody! During my cooking demo trip, I took the opportunity to haunt for delicious mouth-watering food. I got some friends to show me around the place and I found a few good ones. Check it out!

Jing Yuan Hawker centre at Sungai Petani

This place is full of people during supper time. Tables and chairs are fully occupied by the local people.
This is a pancake stall selling varieties of flavors. They have banana pancake, pork pancake, sweet corn with banana pancake and many more..

This “Aunty” is very serious in what she’s doing. This is what we called “concentrate”. Hence, her pancake is really appetizing.

Pork Floss with Cheese Pancake and Peanut Butter with Sweet Corn “The outer layer of the pancake is crispy when it’s hot and if you like peanut butter and sweet corn, you should try this.”

If you’re craving for “Koay Teow Goreng”, go and look for this uncle. A lot of customers go for his delicious “Koay Teow Goreng” for supper.

Honestly, a lot of hawker stalls cook really good “Koay Teow Goreng” compare to restaurants.

Koay Teow Goreng “The taste is absolutely delicious. Not too spicy and salty. Just nice”

18 Hawker Centre at Sungai Petani

This hawker centre opens from 8.00am onwards. 

Check out this curry mee. The moment I walked in, I saw a long queue at the curry stall. What is so special about it? Check it out below..

Although the curry mee looks simple and standard, there’s one thing added in to the curry mee. “Mackerel Fish” It enhanced the flavor of the soup.

This Wan Tan Mee is one of the best I tasted and it only cost RM2.50. Tell me, where can you get that price nowadays?

This couple has been here for many years since the opening.

Check this out! The wantan looks really mouth-watering.

Famous Duck Noodle at Pun Chun Chicken Biscuits & Restaurant, Bidor, Perak

The place is pack with people from out of town especially in the afternoon.

Besides serving food, they have their own small retail stall selling cookies and biscuits.

Deep Fried Yam Cake stuffed with Mince Pork “The texture is soft and crunchy because of the outer layer of the crust and a little bit sweet in the inside.”

Wantan Mee served with Duck Drumstick

Wantan Mee served with Curry Chicken

Last but not least, the most famous dish at the restaurant, Herbal Noodle Soup served with Duck Drumstick “Taste wise I’ll give 10/10. The soup is awesomely tasty.”

You should check this place out at;

Pun Chun Chicken Biscuits (Restaurant)
40, Main Road,
Bidor, Perak.

Telephone number: 05-4341554

Opening Hours:
5am-10pm daily.

Stay Tune For More.

Cooking With Richie


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What’s up everybody! I’m Richie. Last weekend on the 15th of October 2011, I went to Sungai Petani which is in Kedah for a cooking demo show done by me and my crew. Cooking? That’s right! Richie knows how to cook. Check it out!

Preparing my dish

Cooking With Richie

Searing The Chicken Breast

Chicken Roulade stuffed with mushrooms, garlic and parmesan cheese accompanied by mix green salad and garlic mashed potato drizzle with balsamic reduction sauce. 

Do you want to taste it and how?

Try this at home. It’s a simple dish and it only takes 1 hour and 30mins to prepare this dish. Here’s my secret recipe;

Chicken Roulade stuffed with mushrooms, garlic and parmesan cheese accompanied by mix green salad and garlic mashed potato drizzle with balsamic reduction sauce.

Chicken Breast 1   nos
Garlic 4   cloves
Button Mushroom 10 nos
Potato 3   nos
Mix Green Salad 5   gm
Balsamic Vinegar 20 ml
Shredded Cheese 5   gm
Brown Sugar 5   tsp
Milk 20 ml


 Marinate the chicken with salt and pepper. Chop the garlic and mushroom and sauté it. Make a slit in the chicken breast and stuff it. Unpack the salad and wash. Dry the salad. Boil the balsamic vinegar together with brown sugar until it thickens. The quantity will then be reduced. Boil the potatoes until it is soft and then mash it. Add milk into the mashed potatoes and stir.

Cooking Steps…

  1.  Pan fried the chicken breast and finish it in the oven
  2. Sauté the garlic until it gives a nice aroma smell.
  3. Add in the mash potatoes into the pan
  4. Mash everything together with the hot pan.
  5. Mix the green salad with balsamic vinegar and olive oil
  6. Add the balsamic reduction to serve

Oktoberfest Party at BERJAYA Time Squares Hotel


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What’s up everybody! It’s time to raise your beer mugs to Oktoberfest again!

So what is all the fuss about Oktoberfest? For those of you who think that it’s a merrymaking, beer consuming event, well…you’re absolutely RIGHT! Oktoberfest is an annual festival celebrated in Germany since the 1800s. When it comes to this festival, everyone would gather together…and I’m not talking about 10 or 20 people, it’s about thousands of people coming together to have a beer-tastic time! When you hear about Oktoberfest, no doubt you will see plenty of delicious German delicacies and of course the main course of the event is “BEER”. BURPP!!!! Excuse me!

So I was invited to the Oktoberfest party held at BERJAYA Times Square Hotel with my ‘CREW’, Ezran and Hisham. We were so amazed by the people that attended this festival. Why? We were all experiencing a different world, and a culture beyond our peninsula shores.  It was a totally awesome night to remember. They had a live German band playing folk songs and some English hits. We danced like the Germans did by joining them on table tops – bustin’ a German groove. Can you believe that? Well, I have some pictures to share with you guys, please enjoy!

One thousand guests and counting! Apparently, the crowd was waiting for the band to march in.

Here comes the awesome band freshly flown from Germany.

Toooottttt!! One of the member showing his skills.

The grand opening of the event. Check out that barrel.

The band members opened ceremony by filling up their mugs with delicious, golden beer.

Oh, I like this one! The band and the ladies were dancing the chicken dance. It was hilarious!

Clap! Clap! Clap! Chicky! Chicky Chicky!

The dance ended and everyone had fun.

Warming up their instruments for the first song.

Ah-ha! Check out the beautiful ladies! The band was getting ready to cheers German-style!.

Let the beer-tastic festival begin!

She was one of the dancers on the stage. Cheers!

Yes, apparently the taller you are, your beer stays cooler for a longer period of time. Just kidding!

My two lovely colleagues – Orsi and Agar, having a good time.

Let’s get it started in here!

They did great!

Cheers to Agar

This guitarist’s fingers moves like a G6.

Table top dancing requires some intricate footwork skills. Not recommended for tipsy drinkers.

The more the merrier!

Cheese everybody! These are my buddies who attended the event.

These were some of the award-winning chefs who prepared the mouth-watering food for the people. Great job guys!

Notice how the girls got prettier as the night drew to an end?

All good things must come to an end. The party dispersed at 12.30am and everyone went home with a smile on their faces. However, there were still some people wanting to make the night last longer by belting German songs at their tables.

As a summary, it was an entertaining and an educational night for everyone. We got to dance, eat, drink and learn about the German culture and its beautiful and friendly people. I would like to apologize to the food lovers who really wanted to see the pictures of the German cuisines. My crew and I were so caught up with the party that by the the time we went to the buffet line, it was all empty. Oops!!!

Stick around for more events coming up.

Before I sign out, I would like to say thank you to those who supported me in this event. Cheers buddies!

‘Ezran, Hisham and Sarah’

Signing out, RICHIE!

F Concept Dining by Buffalo Kitchen


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What’s up guys!!!!!! Welcome to the F Concept Dining Restaurant. Well, I called it The “F” restaurant. The “F” word stands for anything that comes out from your mind. Awesome isn’t it? So what’s the first word in your mind that starts with a letter “F”? Ah….ha! The picture below will show some examples of “F” words.


I really enjoy dining in this restaurant because the concept is so different than other restaurants. Here I get to observe the chef cook in an open kitchen concept. Totally “Splendid”. I felt like I was at home. It’s really cozy sitting there and  enjoying watching the chefs.

So I when there and have a little taste of what they are serving at the restaurant. I ordered 3 courses on the menu which are “Fusion Escalope”, “Barramundi Seafood Risotto” and “Smoked Salmon Golden Egg Salad”.


Nothing more simple and tasty than “Fusion Escalope”. The chicken is crispy from the outside and soft and tender on the inside. With that, it combines balsamic reduction sauce, roasted cherry tomato and my favorite “CRISPY” rocket salad. Yummy!!!! You’ll never get this anywhere. The flavor from the chicken is a blast combine with the rocket salad. That’s why I love this dish. “Mouthwatering”


Barramundi is a premium fresh water fish. The flavor of the fish gives the risotto a nice kick in it. Risotto is an Italian rice. The risotto is cook with seafood stock. Is just that “Uncomplicated”. With a little of seasoning and stock you can create a nice risotto dish. Risotto is one of my all time favorite Italian dish. “I like the texture of the rice”


Last but not least, the amazing smoked salmon with “Crispy” golden egg salad. This is a mind-blowing dish because the egg is crispy from the outside and moist in the inside stuff with smoke salmon. Besides that, my favorite rocket salad is on the plate. It all mingle well together.

I’ll definitely visit that place again and pick more other choices from the menu. Can’t wait!!!!

Well, ladies and gentlemen, if you’re craving something to eat in Bangsar, try this restaurant out. No doubt, you’ll enjoyed it.

For more info:

F Concept Dining by Buffalo Kitchens,
69-1, Jalan Telawi 3, Bangsar Baru.
Tel: 2201-1710
Opening times: Open daily, 12noon-12midnight
Located above Chawan and opposite Bangsar Village.

Samplings On the Fourteen

What’s up people! Bam!! This is my first ever food review but there’s no video for this. I apologize but the next one I promised we’ll going to have it. Anyway, on this first food review, my team and I decided to start of in Berjaya University Samplings On The 14th fine dining restaurant. It is located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, Berjaya Time Square Hotel on the 14th floor. This fine dining restaurant is run by the Berjaya University College Of Hospitality. They are well known for their hospitality and culinary courses. Berjaya University College Of Hospitality have two(2) restaurants, one is called Samplings On The 14th and the other is Upper East Side Cafe. I’m going to take you a short journey in the “Samplings On The 14th” Yum! Yum!
While I was in “Samplings On The 14th”, it brought back my old memories during my time when I was having my practical classes there. Yes!! I was serving people in the fine dining restaurant. Funny isn’t it? Well why? I’m a graduate hospitality student from Berjaya University College Of Hospitality. I’ve never been better and proud because in Berjaya University College Of Hospitality, “we” are different. Take example of “Samplings On The 14th” fine dining restaurant. The quality of the food and service is so much better than some other restaurants. The whole restaurant is run by students. If Berjaya University College Of Hospitality can teach them to run, they’ll have no problem at the real industry.
Anyway, let’s come back into the “Topic”. During my visit in the “Samplings On The 14th”, I ordered 4 courses which are the Smoke Duck SaladLousiana Chicken & Shrimp Gumbo, Ravioli Portobello and lastly Rice Pudding with Mango. Oh, forgot to mention that it is worth the price and I don’t say its costly.Their menu changes every once a week. So this menu was the week i went. 
I had 2 appetizer, 1 main course and a dessert to sweeten up things in my life. The first is;
Smoked Duck Salad
Duck breast smoked to perfection on a bed of mesclun mixed greens, drizzled with orange sesame dressing.

This dish is so “SEXY” and  elegant. Look at the smoked duck breast. It is smoked to perfection alongside with the salad and cherry tomato. Yummy! All you need to do it drizzle the orange sesame sauce on the duck breast and voila, she’s perfect on the plate. “This dish is specially created by one of the students”

Lousiana Chicken & Shrimp Gumbo
Shrimp, chicken meat, sausage, capsicum, celery, okra, grain and tomato, cooked in a hearty chicken broth enriched with fresh basil.

 This exotic dish is originally from the South of United State of America. It consist a lot of ingredients in the soup. It is usually serve hot from the kitchen. The reason why they called it “Gumbo” is because the dish is a traditional Cajun dish and the soup is a little peppery.The first taste in my mouth was like “Yummy” and the best thing is you dip the bread into the soup. Fuhhhhh!!! RGHHHHH!!! WOOOO!!! haha!
Cajun Roast Chicken
Served with vegetables of the day and baked potatoes, accompanied with jus-lie and bread sauce, garnished with watercress.

Wah!!!! Look at that potato there.The chicken is roasted in a way that it gives out the tasty roasty chicken flavor. “Mind-blowing” This chicken dish is pretty much simple as you can see.

Ravioli Portobello
Portobello mushrooms and cheese-stuffed ravioli triangles with a taste of sundried tomatoes in house marinara sauce.

Among all the dished, this is my favorite one. I love mushrooms and portobello is one of them. Although it may look a bit messy but it taste better than it looks. The pasta was cooked perfectly with mushroom. When you slice it, you still can see the juice coming out from the pasta.This is the bom. The flavor was sweet and a bit of sour because of the sundried tomato. This is a 5-star dish for me. “THUMBS UP”

Rice Pudding with Mango
Wholesome rice pudding with red bean stew, coconut cream and mango.

Last but not least, the dessert.Looks delightful and delicious. This is a warm sweet dessert. The rice pudding was a bit over done but the combination taste of the rice pudding and the coconut cream gives our the rich flavor. It’s a nice dessert to finish off your meal.


Level 14 west, BERJAYA TIMES SQUARE or visit the website at http://www.berjaya.edu.my

For reservation please call: 603-26877036

First Event Held in W.I.P Restaurant

What’s up people! Last Friday, “Just Ask Richie” organized our FIRST EVER event at W.I.P Restaurant in Bangsar Shopping Center. Tada! And…the lucky person was Ms.Cindy Chan and all her funky happening friends that she invited to her glamorous private birthday party.

The VIPs were Richard Teo, Managing Director of “A cut above” (2nd from left) and Winnie Loo, Chief Creative Director of “A cut above” (3rd from left)…just to name a few.

The event started at 9pm. The place was blasting with loud funky music, people were dancing. By 8.45, our private section was filled with guests. They were hungry and of course, ready to paaartay!! 🙂 All in all, there we more than 20 people there. And the theme of the party…’GOLD’ and everyone was shinning & bling-bling-ing. Woohoo!

Anyway, food and drinks were included in the party. They all enjoyed the appetizer, main course, dessert and wine. But did they just come for the food? Of course not! We took the liberty to organize some mini-games for them. And yeah, they didn’t see it coming. LOL! We were worried at first…but we’re certainly glad they really had fun. The loser of the game had to do a punishment with the birthday Queen, Ms. Cindy Chan. Here are some shots of the games.

Okay moving along…the games and the event was coordinated by Alex Tiew, or better known as…*drum rolls*…the “Fix Master”. In case you’re wondering. Here’s a snapshot of him in action. Hehe!

Thanks to him the event ran smoothly. Although there were some “bumps” here and there…during the event. Fortunately. the whole ‘Just Ask Richie’ crew were there for support. Then again these “bumps” are quite normal during events, don’t you think? 🙂 It’s how you handle it that makes it a challenge. And makes the event MORE interesting. *laughs*

We’ve also interviewed 3 person during the event, Cindy the birthday girl, Winnie Loo and Richard Teo. They were all happy with the event and they wanted more. We took a video of this interview session. Once it’s done, we’ll upload it here.

Lastly, the event wrapped up around 1am and everybody was happy especially the birthday girl, Ms.Cindy Chan. And here are the rest of the shots taken that night. But before viewing the pictures, we would like to once again, thank you for all of your support ladies and gentlemen. You guys rock! So let’s have another rocking party! What say you? Well, you know who to call…ciao ciao! 🙂